Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There is life

There is life in my veins;

it runs thick and red

it burns with fear and desire

One out weighs the other

And alternates between the two

Light and dark;

faith and despair

There is life in my veins, it runs thick and red

There is hope, for the there is breath

It leaves my lungs,

hot and stale escapes my lips

I wonder will I grow

Or shall I remain stagnant as I have been.

But there is life in my veins

It shall be as it is meant to be - flowing through out

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Treble Clef Once Stood

It's dark
almost quiet
there was music playing
but now there is none.
a lonely silence
where a treble clef
once stood

Eighth notes and quarter rests
dance behind my lids
stepping side by side
slowly spinning
a romantic waltz

The light is rising
the tempo slows
holding that last note
a second
not yet long enough
the sleep ensues
and the song rests
where a treble clef once stood

Thursday, March 25, 2010

pondering rain

the grass is bright
vibrant full of life
set against the gray sky
and the pouring rain
the puddles form
ripe for small bare feet
splashing in a laughing dance.