Wednesday, November 14, 2012

writings from the vacant stair well

I haven't written in what feels like ten forevers. Sometimes I think I have forgotten how to. I feel as though I have lost touch with myself over the last year and a half, when really, I am simply getting to know a new part of me.
A wonderful friend asked me if I had been writing. She knows its how I cope and release and find my peace. I guess I have been so focused on the Army and becoming a Nurse that I have forgotten that I need this for me.
Not only has the Army /School focus taken me from my writing, but I have allowed it to take me from my family ( albeit only temporarily).
Tonight, I had a wonderful conversation with my son. I can't believe he is 14. I could tell he needed me. He needed the wisdom that comes with motherhood , growth and age.  Seems like the things he is going through are things I have just recently spoken with my husband about with regards to myself.  I am so grateful for the moments to be his mother and confident today.  I am reminded that God is supposed to be that for me  but I just haven't known how to reach out to him.  I am going to take the advice I gave my son and just Talk to Him most high that loves me more than anyone ever.  God gives us our children to remind us that we are his children and we sometimes need to cry to our Parents too. I am grateful for today's lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing, Nikki,

    It causes you to dig deep and sometimes forces the hidden things out. God is good. Love you
