For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future. Jer. 29:11

Friday, August 16, 2013
And just because I want you to fully know my mood and my thoughts...
A lie confessed
a bit too late
with damage done
the bandage ripped
lemon juices squeezed
the pain refreshed:
almost new
a pain remembered
bad dreams
on record repeat
night after night
the suffix
to every new day's ending
no lessons learned
concious is seared
chard: the way
you enjoy your steak
a walking fake
too many masks
for each maskerade
lost track..
which is the real me
16Aug2013 a step to end a cycle
I thought maybe someone else might benefit from my free thoughts. I am struggling with making the same mistakes over and over again, thinking I am beyond them. Only to have them come at me full circle. Plain and simple I allow my fear of what people think of me to over ride the truth and when I have stated something I KNOW is not true, I do nothing to correct this. I hate this about myself . I have gotten to the point for the last year at least, that my marriage is on the last thread of hope. So here you can see that I am trying to believe GOD and not myself.
In proverbs it says when we turn away and ignore wisdom and
laugh in her face, when we are met with our calamity, she will laugh at us and
when we call out she will ignore us (Proverbs 1). How long will she ignore us (She being God)?
In judges 6:1 it says AGAIN Israel did evil in the eyes of
the Lord. How many times do I just like
Israel do evil in his eyes? He saves
Israel when they call out to him. Its
over a period of time. I know that I
continue to do the same things I am asking God to save me from, Just like
Israel. How long will I continue to choose
this over God? I know that is an answer
only I can give but I don’t have the answer.
Am I even capable of making that choice?
Aaron tells me I am not but I still have it stuck in my head that I have
to be the one to do it. How do I accept
that I cannot do this on my own?
God please take me in your arms and love me to the point of
me giving up myself? Will I ever be able to do it?
A friend from Church gave me a work book from Beth Moore
called Living Free. She states that we
need to pray God’s word back to him. To restate GOD’s TRUTH to affirm our
faith, To ask questions of the things we do not understand, To confess our sins and ask for Him to change
us. I am going to try this. I am going to make the efforts to do this every
day. I am HORRIBLE at commitment. If
you don’t believe me, just ask my husband, I am 100% certain he will confirm
this .
Mark 9:24 I do believe help me overcome my unbelief.
God I know I have
believed before but I am failing in belief lately. Please take my unbelief away
from me so that I may live how you intended me to live. I look at the wreck I am
making of my marriage because of my failure in believing or even understanding.
Please help me to understand and to believe.
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