Monday, May 24, 2010

The Day after the rain. A counting story

Yesterday it rained and rained. It rained so much that the street looked like a river.
Today we took a walk and guess what we saw. We saw FROGS! We saw them everywhere.

I tried to pick one up, but he was scared. He got so close to the ground he looked like a rock. Then I saw two more, 2+1=3. They too hopped away.
We saw a big one. He was hiding under the big tree by the mail box. 3+1=4, four frogs I've seen today.

We, Mom and I, walked a little farther down the way. Over at the flower pot we saw even more frogs. There was one more to add to our list. This frog was really tiny. 4+1 that makes five. Five frogs I have seen so far.

A little farther on our walk, Mom spotted one at the neighbors drive. He was fat and green with 6 black dots. Wow was he big! He was the sixth frog we saw.

As we turned the corner down the lane, Mom and I added another frog to our count. This one makes 7 as he sits on a log. 6+1, yes that is 7.

We walked past Mr. McMillan in his yard. He was kneeling down looking at his pond. He waved and called us over. " Hello, good morning Mrs. Jenkins and Lorelei. Would you like to see the frogs in the fish pond? Of course we did. There in the pond we saw three of the tiniest frogs. This brings our total to 10. Number 8 was in the middle of a lily. Number 9 was on the turtle's shell and number 10 was the tiniest of them all. He was barely visible on the edge of the water.

What a wonderful time we had counting frogs on our walk, the day after the rain.

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