Thursday, September 16, 2010

not much to say

Things seem to be going slowly but well.  Heard from my recruiter yesterday and my waiver was approved and now its a waiting game for my high school transcripts to come in the mail.  One would think that they could have simply faxed them to the recruiter and saved some time and money , but they didn't.  I am simply eager to get on to the next phase of life.   This eagerness is a constant battle to remind myself that everything happens in God's time and not my own.    I believe I have made it known that this is an area in my life that I struggle with fiercely, waiting on the Lord and not relying on myself.

Things at the house are stressed and tense. Not so much with A and I , but J.  She seems to be moody and depressed that A got  his appartment and that the kids and I spend time over there.  Things get taken wrong and I have come to the conclusion there isn't much I can do but pray.  I have a fear that things will escalate and I'll be out .  Can't stay at A's place because the rules say 6 people can't live in a 3 bedroom place. So I feel as though I am at the mercy of J and her moods.  One minute things seem well and then the next she seems upset and depressed and She and A are butting heads and when I talk to him about things I am "tattling my feelings'".  Not sure what that means but,  He is still my husband and I should be allowed to tell him anything I want to tell him and if it is known that I have issues with talking to him, I shouldn't be made to feel like I am not allowed to talk to him.  But it seems like that.  I will not give into it though.  I will fight the good fight and pray that emotions simmer and that  the time until boot camp goes quickly.  

I pray that the friendship can make it through this.  God is in control and I need to simply trust him in it.

ok. thats what is going on at the moment.  May God bless all who come across this posting.

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