Saturday, September 25, 2010

soccer on a fall day

The last couple of days have been wonderful. ( I refuse to look at the negative).  We played soccer in the back yard for a while.  By the time we were done the street lights were in full effect and we couldn't see the ball if we were not under the light.   The kids hussled and tried their hardest.   I love how active soccer keeps us.   
Makes me sad that it's fall because that means cold weather and snow is on the horizon .  With snow that means no playing outside.    I hate the winter because I feel as though I am in a prison.  Not a fan of the cold, no not at all.   I love the sun light and the warms and the ability to leave the windows open and feel a gentle breeze  that ruffles the curtains and you have to add in the smell of a freshly mown lawn and the flowers.   I love the sound of the night life.   The tree frogs croaking back and forth and the crickets playing their violin legs and the buzz of the cicadas before they molt into their new forms.

Spring and summer are the seasons of life.  When its cold and gray out in the winter I look and long for the buds on the trees and the sight of the crocus flowers.  I feel rejuvinated at the rebirth and the sights of the Cardinals in the trees returning from the warm winters in the south. 

Fall is also beautifully bitter sweet as it means the sleeping season is coming. The sound of the birds fade, there are no frogs or cicadas that sing me to sleep. OH but the fall colors.  Wow they dazzle.  God surely knows how to paint beautiful and inspiring pictures.   I enjoy watching the bright red and yellow leaves float in a slow dance to the ground with their swirling and tumbling motions on the air that lifts them.  The smell of a wood stove burning that the air takes on as it grows crisp.  It always reminds me of Thanksgiving at my Grandmother's when I was little.  

Winter always comes and chills me.  It feels like I can't get warm.  The winter brings the Nothing that always tries to rob me of good moods.  It is a time when I want to be close to family and we are always so far away from our extended families that it is depressing.  The cold season makes me home sick. 

I always have the spring to look forward to and that always helps.   This spring will be a definite rebirth spring full of change and newness.  Boot Camp and AIT come in the spring.   I will be seeing how much I can accomplish for myself that I can be proud of besides being  a mother.   I will be chasing and reaching for the fruit of a dream and showing the kids that if you want it badly enough and you take the steps YOU CAN achieve it!    I know that none of this is possible with out the force of my God telling me and leading me in His time to get to the places he needs me to be.

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