Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Funerals and Protest

funerals and protests

I don't care what you believe about gay people if its a sin or not. Because God told me "let ye who is with out sin cast the first stone." I believe there is something about love the sinner and not the sin. But to protest at a SOLDIERS funural is dispicable to me. You are hurting not that brave man or woman that died fighting for a country that he or she believed in but those people that love him. How can you claim to be a "Little CHRIST" if you are demanding death to people and are not treating people how you wish to be treated, if you are not loving your enemy as yourself because it is easy to love your brother?

How 'bout what it says in Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" This one comes often to my mind when I catch myself being Judgemental. Would I want God, My loving and faithful Father to judge me the way inwhich I am judging this person? The answer is ALWAYS "NO!!!!!" Who would want to be judged by those standards? I have found we often get upset when we are judged but we don't give it ten seconds thought when we are the one doing this crime.

Anyway, I am writing this blog because I am sickened to my core that people think it is ok to protest at anyone's funural. And yet I am given a ray of hope when scanning the news and see that St. Charles county is telling the ACLU to suck it! ( know I know I shouldn't feel or think , talk or type that but its what I am feeling) with reguards to the courts saying it is unconstitutional to ban protesting at funurals. Manly because of that Church in Kansas or some place that goes all over the country protesting at the funurals of fallen soldiers because our country is accepting of gay people and that the death of every soldier is what happens when you go against God. here is a link to the story I am refering to :  the news artical

But like I said before, God doesn't want us to be like this! HE wants us to promote love! Because when we love we are showing the world HIS MIGHTY UNFAILING LOVE!!!!

I pray that the world opens up their eyes and sees His truth that it is HIS job to provide judgement and punishments not ours!

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