Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the bean stalk i'll climb

So it seems that I am struggling lately with positive out looks.  Work seems to bring me down when I am faced daily with the things that I am not doing to the perfection that I want and that my boss wants.  It's disheartening when I think I am doing better only to be told " I am losing patience with you, You are driving me crazy."  or when my willingness to work is called into question.  It makes it very difficult not to allow my frustration to make me cry infront of my accuser.  It makes me angry.
I have to remember to lay it all at my father's feet and be willing to be sharpened by his stone and fire. I know he gave me this job and I know that he is providing for me.  He only disciplines those that he loves.  I am being disciplined because he loves me.  He wants me to learn things at this position to take on to the next one.   It's hard to keep it all in perspective.

I just want to be willing to be open to change and to be a true light to the goodness that is God.  I want to stop doing it for me and do it all for him.


  1. God sees your willing heart and he will give you the grace to become everything he is calling you to be at work. I will keep you in my prayer:) I just also want ot thank you for your visit and gracious comment. Have a blessed day and keep trusting Jesus for every struggle. Hugs, Toyin

  2. Don't forget dear one that at the top of the bean stalk lurks a giant! But you can beat him. Press on and keep celebrating Jesus! You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus
    love u

  3. Hi N. LEA.

    Prayer for you:

    Precious divine Father GOD, please move in ways in N. LEA's heart to assure her that You love her abundantly. Encourage her to keep her mind stayed on you as stated in Your Word in Isaiah 26:3. And please Lord remind N. LEA that her labor is never in vain in You. We are to do all things heartily as unto You, and certainly You will reward us. Strenghen N. LEA, please Lord, in every necessary way. Comfort her and lead her in ways to do what brings You joy, pleasure, and delight - above all else. Assure her that she triumphs in You. Teach her, please, to be of good cheer because greater is He that is in her than he that is in the world.

    Thank you, Lord - Amen
