Sunday, February 20, 2011

Father Time

Do you think maybe just maybe you can slow down just a tiny bit.  My babies are growing up too fast.  I am allowing the children to watch a movie today and I get up to grab the chord to my lap top and I look over and my nearly 13 year old is snuggled up on the couch with his baby sister.   What a heart warming sight to see.  My cup runneth over. I am so lucky that they all get along and love each other so much.
Don't get me twisted, they do have their squabbles and moments of sheer frustration with each other, but you can see they genuinely love each other.  How many people can say they are so blessed to have kids that are so close together?  We did something right, maybe it was having them so close together or maybe it was simply instilling in them that family is family and having brothers and sisters are like having built in best friends. 
I am just grateful.


  1. They do grow up fast. Beautiful family sister!!

  2. Jimmy,
    It makes me sad and happy at the same time. Thanks for the compliments. Your family is just as beautiful.
