Monday, February 7, 2011

Ug with a big cough

im not using correct capitalization today. i don't care what anyone says.
i don't feel well. haven't for the last week . my chest hurts and my abs hurt from all the coughing. i was coughing so hard i almost threw up. gross. i was on the city bus no less.  i thought for sure i was scaring the other folks on the bus.  coughin so much and so hard i had tears streaming down my face and the face was bright fiery red.
i just want to feel better and i don't want to have to go to the doctor to feel that way.  mostly cause i have to go the the clinic.  i don't like going to the clinic, it doesn't feel safe there and smells of urine and liquor.
i am whiny and tired and achy and want to sleep for a decade not waking until all that ails me is gone. snuggled under the covers, head buried in my pillows and smothered in sweats and layers of t shirts. wouldn't hurt to have a cup of hot tea to go along with all that and my mama rubbing my back like i was 5.


  1. God gave us doctors for a reason.... USE THEM!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!

  2. I love that you refused to use proper capitalization because you felt sick!

    Ha ha

    Feel better soon!


  3. Dean, I told my 7 year old that I wasn't using capitalization and she said "My teacher said that is bad ,mommy"
    Sometimes, it just feels good to be disobediant.

    I feel much better. It was a bad case of bronchitis
