Friday, January 28, 2011

Is it blue or just me?

I am feeling emotional today.  Sad and lonely for no reason that I can think of.  I keep trying to tell myself happy thoughts and change my way of thinking.  Mostly its an uncontrollable need to cry. I am not sure why.  I just cannot seem to let it happen.  I know that once I have a good cry I will feel better and release whatever is pent up inside of me.  No cry is happening though.  I took a shower thinking that I could let it all go in there under the running shards of water. Nope I thought wrong.  The hot stream didn't do anything to help.

I feel like the houses and buildings look that surround my school.  Drooping and glum. If those buildings had tears oh how they would flow!    I am like those buildings, I have no tears to shed yet my soul cries out for redemption of the run down melancholy.

I have so much to be grateful and happy about but something nags at me and makes me sad. Wish I knew what it was.


  1. Been there too, alot actually. and for no reason really... its raining, I wanna cry, its sunny I wanna cry.. I just want to sometimes. I pray though that God calms your heart and soul and they you get to feeling better really soon!!

  2. I feel the same way. I think that the lack of sunshine really gets me low. If I didn't know any better I would wonder if I was pregnant.
    The sun just needs to come out today instead of tomorrow.

  3. I've had MANY days like this and still do.

    I think it's important to NOT beat yourself up for not knowing why you're feeling emotional.

    Just honor that this is how you're feeling at the moment. Acknowledge it, express it, and release it (if you can).

    (((HUGS))) to you, Nikki!

