Saturday, January 15, 2011

text books

WOW it is amazing how much text books cost!  I have only just received what book I need for my math class. ( Class starts on Tuesday) and the book is going to cost me 130 bucks  if I can't find it cheaper.  Which also means that I have to scrounge up that much money.   But God brought me to this class because I didn't settle for the Army crap jobs. So God is going to make it so I get this text book.   I have zero doubts in this category. He will get this book for me  even if its through  ebay or some other such site :)

I am so excited to start school. I am looking most forward to the writing class! Hope this experience is all that I want it to be.  I know it is going to be what I make of it.  I am looking forward to working hard to get great grades and to increase my brain!

1 comment:

  1. E-bay is actually a great place to find cheap books!

    Good luck with your classes.. I'm excited with you!!!
