Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So Many Blessings

Found out today that God has heard my prayers about my books for school.  He included the price of my books in the grant for me to go to school. I don't have to pay for them.  No worry for how I will afford them as He took care of it.

The blessings just keep coming. I hope to be a blessing to someone else as God is finding ways to bless me and my family.  OH this reminds me of a blessing bit I wanted to talk about but was so fretful over today being my first day that I forgot to blog about it.

I was getting gas at the gas station yesterday. Spending the last of my last pay check to make sure I could get to school. As I was leaving instead of saying the normal "Thank you have a great day."  I was thinking those words but instead I said ( at the same time as the clerk which was simply awesome) "Thank you have a blessed day." The reaction of the clerk was priceless.  She grinned bigger than any I have seen in a long time and was genuinely thankful for me having said that.  She exclaimed, "OH THANK YOU".   That is the best reaction I could have ever hoped to get.  God used me to really lift that lady's day it seemed.  I wish I could do that to every one .  I think I am going to say that to every one. 
Have a blessed day!  I know I have had a blessed day.

Even with a few confuddled attempts at communication in the last couple days that seemed to stress me out because I just couldn't seem to communicate what I was trying to say.  I am grateful to the Husband for helping me work through it.  AGAIN another blessing... a husband that encourages me to work through the frustrations and the short comings to make them strengths and to not give up on myself.   I am so so blessed. I wish every one were this blessed.


  1. God is good..ALL the time! I'm glad your books were taken care of and its one less thing you have to worry about!!

  2. Me too! Just waiting on the Grant to go through so I can pick them up.
