Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just because

I was digging through the mounds of over 500 cds that my husband owns and found one that he gave me several years ago. I am a fan of Norah Jones.  she has one of those sultry voices.   She sings often like a lullabye that sooths the aches in a weary soul.

My husband got it for me while we were going through a rough patch and he slipped in a piece of wrapping paper with Just Because written on it. he slipped it into the cover of the cd so that when ever I see it I am reminded that he loves me just because.

I think its because God designed him for me.  He often carries me through dark parts of my self as if he is God's caregiver for me. He encourages me to be strong and look my fears in the face and over come them.   That is what I am reminded of every time I see this particular c.d.   

God is with me in the physical form of my husband.  I have trully been blessed


  1. AMEN!!! I think that about my boyfriend. We went to school together and I had a huge crush on him then but never said anything and now, we have been dating a year and a half. He is my calm and peace... seriously. When I can't think straight, he knows just what to do and say for me. I love him to pieces!

  2. Isn't it a wonderful feeling knowing that they can do that for us?!

  3. bless ....

    I hope i do the things to make my wife (future) feel this way
