Thursday, December 16, 2010


it didn't go at all like i wanted to today. they didn't have the jobs i would take. and tried to bully me into taking something I KNEW would leave me misserable for 4-6 years.
I know everything happens in the times it is supposed to.  HOWEVER that does not in anyway take away the deflated feeling, the frustration and the need to have a good cry from all the stress of standing my ground.  I have refused to let myself cry because I dont' want to give them the satisfaction of making me a little girl ( even if that is what I am emotionally right now).
I sought wise councle and I almost didnt' listen to it. But in the end I did.  I feel good for having done that but have a feeling maybe I should have just picked a job.
I am in serious need of a shower a back massage and a good nights sleep.
I really dont' want to return to Master Cleaners tomorrow.


  1. Hi n.lea. -

    There are times that we need to cry. It can be a release and a relief to do so. Remember in the Bible, JESUS wept - John 11:35 - KJV.

    Go, and weep in the arms of JESUS, precious one.
    He knows. Only He can understand all that we endure. He loves you. Please read Matthew 11:28-30 - It begins (KJV), "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

  2. You have believed that He has revealed his plans for you and that is what you follow, dear..always..don't let anything side track His time...until then, I agree...cry when it is needed

  3. You both have given me great hope. I feel better having finally cried. I know my God is bigger than these humans that are saying it isn't possible. I don't believe them. God is possible and if it is His will that I do this then nothing will stop it!
