Saturday, December 25, 2010

Peace on Earth and Good will To ALL!!

What a wonderful day!  God is good!  We had snow yesterday. I think it snowed sporatically all day.  It was a lovely scene.   I wish I had taken pictures, but I didn't.  It's ok though because I have the pictures in my head and in my heart.
Today we all slept in and then we played soccer in the snow and ended with a wonderful family snowball fight. It was the perfect kind of snow. Wet enough to form snow balls and dry enough that they didn't turn to ice balls.  Now we are relaxing and watching Christmas movies.

We took a bunch of gooftastic pictures when we came in tho. The Husband has the memory card and is loading them onto his lap top and then I'll load them on mine and share them.  It was a fun day.  Now we ( the kids and I) are house sitting and waiting for the Husband to get here so that I can cook some delicious dinner that isn't most folks typical Christmas dinner.

I have been paroosing the want ads via the internet and came across a thing about earning money by blogging.   Its on hub pages and through something called AdSense or something like that.  It makes me wonder if I have enough to write about to do that. I don't get a lot of traffic here but then again ,  I really don't blog here to get traffic.  I mostly just blog to get whatever is inside out.  I love to write and I am not sure I write anything worthy of getting paid.  I don't. Just something I was thinking of looking into.
I am still praying that God lead me to the right career path.  The place that he has in mind for me.  I know he wants me to do something in the field of caring for others.  I believe he wants me to be a nurse or something like that.   I just haven't seen how he has that provided tho I know he has :) .

Just some thoughts in a positive mind.

Be blessed and a blessing to someone else

1 comment:

  1. I am on HubPages, but don't really make any money at it, but then I don't try at it really hard either.. There are lots of articles written on it on Hubpages and when you sign on it is a lot easier to get followers than on least i think it is. I have over 300 followers on hp and only a handful on blogger - but again don't try too hard on either..I know to make money you have to be on a lot, write a lot and read others...any way never hurts to the way...I am coffeesnob on hubpages
